What to expect – the 6 steps

The law requires that any personal advice you receive from Fifteen Hundred Financial Strategists , Financial Advisers in Sydney must be appropriate to your circumstances. While you have the right not to tell us personal information, if you don’t, the advice you receive may not be appropriate to your needs and your financial situation. When we meet we will take you through a 6-step process:

  1. An initial consultation that allows us to find out about each other.
  2. We will collect all the information we need from you (sometimes called ‘fact finding’).
  3. We will help you identify your goals and current financial position. We normally do this at the same time as the ‘fact find’. We will consider the 7 building blocks or strategies (eg, tax, social security, estate planning etc), then develop and present you with written recommendations in a financial plan (called a Statement of Advice).
  4. We will discuss the recommendations with you and make sure you are comfortable and agree with them.
  5. We will implement the agreed recommendations.
  6. We will periodically help you review your objectives, financial situation and needs.

It is important to remember that you are in control and can decide whether to stop, change or continue at any stage of the process.

To find out more about what to expect phone Fifteen Hundred Financial Strategists on 02 9299 1500. Financial Advisers in Sydney.

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    Your privacy is important to us and AMP Financial Planning which is part of AMP. You may request access to your personal information at any time by calling us or contacting AMP on 1300 157 173. Information collected will be subject to AMP's Privacy Policy. You can also contact us or AMP if you do not wish to receive information about products, services or offers available from us or AMP from time to time.

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