Educating the kids

Fifteen Hundred Financial Strategists , Financial Planners in Sydney can help you prepare for your child’s education.

A good education is one of the best starts you can give your child, but although it doesn’t have to, it can cost a lot of money. A little research and planning now could save you some financial worries in the long run. The earlier you start to save the better.

Common questions to consider

Some questions you may wish to consider include:

  • How much will my children’s education cost?
  • How do I invest for my children’s education?
  • When should I start investing for my child’s education?
  • What types of savings plans are available?
  • Should I put investments in my child’s name?
  • My child starts secondary school next year. Is it too late to start saving?

How we can help

At the same time you might alter your work arrangements and your income could change. You’ll need to make a plan for this. You may need to protect your family with insurance and a comprehensive Will.

We can:

  • Develop a plan based on your goals, situation and timeframe (eg how much it is likely to cost to educate your child or upgrade your house).
  • Set an investment and budget management strategy to accumulate money for your goals.
  • Review, recommend and organise appropriate insurance.
  • Recommend superannuation strategies to ensure you’re still saving for retirement and minimise the total tax you are paying right now.
  • Recommend if you need a Will or need to review your Will with a solicitor.

What to do next

Fifteen Hundred Financial Strategists , Financial Planners in Sydney can help you prepare for your child’s education. Contact us on 02 9299 1500.

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