Taking a redundancy

Fifteen Hundred Financial Strategists , Financial Planners in Sydney can help you review your options following a redundancy. Contact us on 02 9299 1500.

Along with looking for a new job or perhaps starting your own business or deciding to retire early, what do you do with the lump sum payout you receive?

Common questions to consider

Some questions you may wish to consider include:

  • What are the elements of my redundancy payment?
  • What is considered an ETP?
  • What tax concession do you receive on your ETP?
  • How is the ETP paid?
  • How do I make sure I get the most out of my payment?
  • What do I do with my super?
  • I’ve decided I want to roll over my ETP. What do I do?
  • Am I entitled to Centrelink benefits?
  • What if I want to use redundancy as an opportunity to retire early?
  • Do I need to review my insurance arrangements?

How we can help

We can:

  • Review your payout calculation.
  • Identify the tax concession components and the tax-free or tax reduced amounts – the Eligible Termination Payment components. Review your goals and identify options for how to use the money.
  • Calculate how much you can rollover into superannuation to minimise the total tax you pay.
  • Review any insurance you have through superannuation and advise if you can continue insurance cover even though you’ve left the fund.
  • Review any new insurance requirements that are necessary.
  • Estimate how long you can live on your payout based on current expenditure and plans.
  • Establish a budget to live on your payout and any other income.
  • Develop options to achieve a life change in the timeframe you want.

What to do next

Fifteen Hundred Financial Strategists , Financial Planners in Sydney can help you review your options following a redundancy. Contact us on 02 9299 1500.

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