Seeking financial freedom

Fifteen Hundred Financial Strategists , Financial Planners in Sydney can help you get your finances sorted.

Sorting out our finances is something we all need to do at some stage. You don’t need a large inheritance or an intricate knowledge of financial markets. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re trying to get ahead, you just need to know how to make the most of the money you’ve got and exercise a little discipline.

Common questions to consider

Some questions you may wish to consider include:

  • Where does my money go?
  • How do I make the most of my money?
  • Are there ways to save money on my debts?
  • How do I become a good saver?
  • What should I do about my super?
  • Do I need to protect my income through insurance?
  • How do I pay off my home loan sooner?

How we can help?

When you decide to sort out your finances, your first steps are to:

  1. Work out how much money is coming in and going out.
  2. Identify how you can manage your money more effectively without compromising your lifestyle.
  3. Have a plan where you are able to save more.

We can:

  • Review and analyse your current spending patterns.
  • Review your financial commitments and debts.
  • Identify your opportunities to save money.
  • Construct a budget with you.
  • Review, recommend and organise appropriate insurance.

What to do next

Fifteen Hundred Financial Strategists , Financial Planners in Sydney can help you get your finances sorted. Contact us on 02 9299 1500.

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