Saving for something special

Fifteen Hundred Financial Strategists , Financial Planners in Sydney can help you save for something special.

Most of us have things we want but unfortunately most of us can’t simply go out and buy them. We have to save for them as putting them on a credit card can be very expensive. Whether it’s a new car, an overseas trip or a deposit for your first home, that something special is achievable if you are realistic and put in place a disciplined savings program.

Common questions to consider

Some questions you may wish to consider include:

  • Where does all my money go?
  • How much should I be saving each week?
  • How do I make the most of my savings?
  • Where should I put my money while I’m saving?
  • What is the benefit of starting early?

How we can help

When you have a special goal in mind, you might need help working out how much you need to save and how to look after what you’ve achieved so far.

We can:

  • Review and help you set specific goals and a target timeframe to achieve them.
  • Look at how much you’ll need and factor in inflation for long-term goals.
  • Review and analyse your spending patterns.
  • Review your financial commitments and debts.
  • Identify your opportunities to save money.
  • Recommend savings or investment products to achieve your goal.
  • Review, recommend and organise appropriate insurance to protect your existing assets and your financial situation.

What to do next

Fifteen Hundred Financial Strategists , Financial Planners in Sydney can help you save for something special. Contact us on 02 9299 1500.

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