Becoming Your Own Boss

The business of starting a business. Fifteen Hundred Financial Strategists in Sydney can help.

If you’re planning on becoming your own boss, you no doubt already know that a business plan is essential and you’ve probably heard the expression “businesses don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan”. But what are the other considerations that are going to be just as important to your success?

Common questions to consider

Some questions you may wish to consider include:

  • What do I need to think about when starting a new business?
  • What is a small business financial plan?
  • Where should I go to seek advice?
  • Should I insure my business?
  • What are my obligations if I take on employees?
  • What about super for myself?
  • How do I make sure my business will continue without me?
  • What tax concessions apply if I choose to exit my business?

How we can help

We can:

  • Advise on the financial planning aspects of your business plan.
  • Review, advise and organise the specialised insurances you need to protect your business and your employees.
  • Advise on the superannuation requirements for you and your employees.
  • Recommend superannuation funds or managing a DIY superannuation fund.
  • Explain your super obligations for staff.
  • Advise about investing your business profits.
  • Advise on succession planning for your business.
  • Advise on insurances specific to the business needs.

What to do next

For financial planning advice starting your own business contact Fifteen Hundred Financial Strategists , Financial Advisers in Sydney on 02 9299 1500

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